My New Nephew! |
My brother finally did it! Okay, his wife actually did most of the work, but we now have a next genreation! Ezra Johari David made his grand entrance into the world last week, after putting his mother through more than 24 hours of labor. He's got the longest fingers-we think he'll be a musician. Since he's already giving the women in his life a hard time, it's a natural. I'm going to San Francisco this weeked to see him, so no writing for the five days I'm there. Not that I've been doing much of it, anyway-we've had company the last few days. But I have been doing lots of thinking. People who aren't writers don't seem to understand that thinking-staring off into space while our brains churn through a plotting issue-are as productive as actually getting something down on paper. It's not like every writing session is about sitting down at the computer and the words and ideas magically flowing from our fingertips (although I LOVE when that happens!). I have been a die-hard pantster who didn't believe plotting in advance was actually possible for me. But my brilliant cp has finally convinced me that not only is some advance plotting possible, but even desirable! So I'm trying. I'm still probably 80% pantster, but I do have a little plotting ability now, and even that tiny percentage is a big help. No matter how long we've been writing, there is always something else to learn. Eden PS-go visit my website! and go visit my cp's website! |
I've been doing some serious thinking on my NaNo project for the past few days. I think I have enough to finally start the outline. I'm not a pantser - it just doesn't work for me. Well, maybe once I'm into the story, I'll change it up, but I basically need to know where it's going. Congrats on Aunthood.
I've been doing some serious thinking on my NaNo project for the past few days. I think I have enough to finally start the outline. I'm not a pantser - it just doesn't work for me. Well, maybe once I'm into the story, I'll change it up, but I basically need to know where it's going. Congrats on Aunthood.