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Eden Bradley Erotica

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Art Day: Rodin
Auguste Rodin, 1840-1917, one of the greatest sculptors who ever lived, and my personal favorite. Above is 'The Kiss', probably his most well-known piece. Rodin was famous for his romantic and erotic sculpture, as well as for his attention to detail. His sculptures are powerful, often graceful, sometimes purposely awkward, but there is always something of beauty to be found in his work. He dedicated his life to the study of the human form, which he believed portrayed every emotion, and he used the vehicle of the human form beautifully. Take a close look at the facial expressions, the positioning of body, of hands. Rodin understood the complexities of the human form, he understood how emotions are carried into posture, into every nuance and gesture. And no one portrays emotion the way he does.

But his work was not entirely about beauty. He explored every aspect of humanity in his work, from the lovely to the grotesque. But, being who I am, we're going to focus today on some of his more sensual pieces.

Above we have an example of his erotic work. I know this piece as 'Fugit Amor'. These two figures are oddly positioned, yet it still retains a distinct aura of sensuality. It's in the sinuous lines, in that sense of yearning. To me, this piece says the woman wants him, yet is turning away, and he is desperate to have her. It is erotic, yet a little sad to me at the same time. And I love that Rodin can make us feel these things.
'Orpheus and Eurydice', a classic tale spoken in stone. I wish I'd been able to find a better image. There is incredible emotion in their faces. Amazing that anyone can manage to pull so much from a piece of stone. I also love the pure beauty of this piece-it's simply a pleasure to look at.

Rodin believed that everything takes place from our hands. They are a symbol of creativity-crucial to an artist. Notice the detail, the softness of the stone. Amazing!
Rodin was a tortured soul, as so many artists are. I have always been particularly fasciated by his affair with Camille Claudel. Camille was a dark beauty, an accomplished sculptor herself, and she was madly in love with Rodin. Mad was, unfortunately, the key word here, and she died in an asylum. Her work is quite brilliant, and well worth a look. Perhaps I'll discuss her another day.
Meanwhile, there is a rather good film about their affair, titled Camille Claudel, made in 1988. Some great drama and a passionate romance for all you writers out there!

posted by Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin at 12:22 PM -
  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger Robin L. Rotham said…

    I love sculpture, especially Rodin. Thanks for giving me something to sigh over!

  • At 10:14 AM, Blogger Jennifer McKenzie said…

    Wow. Thank you Lisa. I've never seen those other pieces and they're beautiful.

  • At 5:43 PM, Blogger Kristen Painter said…

    Awesome stuff. I love it! Rodin truly is a master.

  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger Kate Willoughby said…

    Sad that his most famous work is that thinker sculpture. These are much more interesting to look at, in my opinion. Thanks, Eden!

  • At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    These are beautiful! I love sculpture. Wish I had some in my house!

  • At 11:29 PM, Blogger Arin Rhys said…

    Lovely post. I had only heard of the Thinker before. I guess I ought to go Wikipedia Rodin up!

  • At 10:43 PM, Blogger Will Belegon said…

    Rodin is my favorite sculptor as well... has been ever since I realized the Thinker was only a detail expanded from the Gates of Hell...

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Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin
Los Angeles, CA, United States

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