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Eden Bradley Erotica

Friday, September 21, 2007
All I've been doing is writing... I have absolutely nothing to talk about. Now that I have your attention...*G*
I've been doing the Book-in-a-Week with my local RWA chapter, Los Angeles Romance Authors. No, I'm not writing an actual book in a week, although rumor has it it's been done. Probably one of those urban legends. My goal is to write 50 pages this week. And not vague, bad first draft, stream of consciousness stuff, but workable material which only requires a bit of tweaking. Basically, my usual stuff, but at a much faster pace.
This requires a lot of chocolate. The flavor of the week is Lindt milk chocolate bars. Simple, elegant, some of the best chocolate made, and really keeps me going. The other thing that keeps me going is whining to my b/f (he likes it, I swear he does!), and the hysterical daily report emails from our Book-in-a-Week moderator, Dana Belfry. Between her and author Kate Willoughby, they decided to rename Book-in-a-Week 'SPEW!', which stands for Stop Procrastinating, Everyone Write! I like it. When I'm really on a roll (which I have been recently, thank God) I call it spewing, anyway, so this is really working for me.
Hmmm...I must have some interesting links to post or something other than my senseless ramblings...
How about this? (Warning-adult material and random weirdities, care of my friend, author Lillian Feisty.)
Let us all pray that my next blog entry is far more interesting than this one. *sigh*
posted by Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin at 8:10 PM -
  • At 9:01 PM, Blogger Kate Willoughby said…

    OMG! You've gone blue! I love it.

  • At 8:36 AM, Blogger Karen Erickson said…

    Love the new blog! And keep on writing - love it when that happens. :)

  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Crystal Jordan said…

    Nice new look!

  • At 8:24 PM, Blogger Bethanne said…

    Okay, yep, that was a little weird but I couldn't stop watching... Loved the fire hoolah hoop and the giant purple dinosaur? okay maybe not that so much. Besides, i'm suppose to be writing right now, anyway.

    so, back to chat.
    great looking spot you've got.

  • At 6:26 PM, Blogger Dana Belfry said…

    I love the blue. I'm also flattered to be mentioned in your blog. *blushes*

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Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin
Los Angeles, CA, United States

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