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Eden Bradley Erotica

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Romance Divas is down
If you're one of the Divas, you're probably wondering what the heck happened to our forum. Well, so are we. *sigh*
Our host did an upgrade and basically messed everything up. Kristen has been working with them, then had a loss in her family yesterday. Our tech assistant, the fabulous Alan Morgan, is now working with them, but he thinks the forum will be down for a while. Meanwhile, the chat room is not working either, but the Diva blog is up, and you're all welcome to go there to chat. We admins will check in and try to answer any questions, but you're also welcome to use it as a way to simply keep in touch. Several people have been chatting there already.
Sorry about this, folks!
posted by Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin at 10:28 AM -
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Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin
Los Angeles, CA, United States

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