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Eden Bradley Erotica

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Random Art Day-Surrealist Michael Parkes
It's been a heck of a few weeks, with a terrible bout of the flu, then tons of stuff to catch up on. Since I apparently have nothing interesting to say (yes, again!), I thought I'd post some pretty pictures instead to keep my blog visitors entertained-the art geeks like me, anyway. *G*
Today we're looking at surrealist Michael Parkes. His work is dream-like, sometimes whimsical, occasionally disturbing, often erotic. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!



Hummingbird Collector

Moon Thief

An Angel's Touch

Almost Fallen Angels

posted by Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin at 11:53 PM -
  • At 11:10 AM, Blogger Isabelle Santiago said…

    *raises hand* Art geek here! These are stunning. I love that he uses the old, classical 'greek' figures in the women he draws. But then he adds a very fantastical element to them, like in the one about the moon. It almost seems to be historical mixed with science fiction!

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  • At 9:27 PM, Blogger Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin said…

    Yay! Another art geek!
    I love his work so much-he actually works in several different styles, but I like them all. Some of pieces are way out there-real dream stuff.
    BTW everyone-I'm going to San Francisco and will be home Monday night. All of my local SF folk-I'll be staying at my favorite hotel on the upper Haight, and you can reach me on my cell phone if you need me. Have a great weekend!

  • At 8:16 AM, Blogger Eva Gale said…


    Wow, those are gorgeous.

    *smooch* Glad you're better.

  • At 11:03 AM, Blogger Kate Willoughby said…

    Oh, you know I'm an art geek, too, and a fellow Friday Art Blogger! The moon piece really reminds me of the Sistine Chapel, which I adore.

  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger Lauren Murphy said…

    I'm not an art geek but I really love the pictures. I think they'd be great inspiration for writing.

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Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin
Los Angeles, CA, United States

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