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Eden Bradley Erotica

Monday, June 25, 2007
More News!
Well, this is very exciting and a little unusual...
My editor at Bantam approached my agent and said they'd like to lock in two more books from me and were ready to contract sight unseen-which is a good thing since I wasn't prepared to propose anything new until January. My agent says this doesn't happen often and means that Bantam is happy with the books I've turned in to them so far, which is great news! So-I just had another two book deal!!! This will be books five and six for Bantam! I actually have plenty of ideas and have narrowed it down to the two I really want to write, but I'm not supposed to say anything yet, so stay tuned for details!
I sort of can't believe this is happening-it's very surreal, but wonderful, too! Lots of work ahead of me, which is fine.
I'll give you all details when I can! Okay-off to write!
posted by Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin at 11:36 AM - 13 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Dark Garden-My First Booksigning!

One of my fellow LARA members, Robin B.

Jax and me!

My friends Gael and Andy dropped by-thanks guys!

Last Saturday I had my first real book signing for my debut novel, THE DARK GARDEN, at a Barnes & Noble in Calabasas! It was a little nerve-wracking, a lot exciting!
I knew my boyfriend and my pal Jax would be there with me the whole time, but my worst nightmare is sitting at a table with a pile of books, twiddling my thumbs and looking like an idiot because no one has any interest in talking to me or buying one of my books. I did have a brief five minutes like that-all alone while they wandered off to look at books or get coffee, and it was excruciating! But other than that, I think it went pretty well. A few friends visited (thanks guys!), but people who didn't even know me actually bought my book! And the manager invited me back to sign my second Bantam novel in November, so that's a good sign. I met some great people, sold a bunch of books, and got a real feel for what being a published author is like. I gotta say, liked it!
So meanwhile, here I am in my glamorous day-to-day life, in front of my computer in my pj's, hair in a ponytail, clicking away on my keyboard. I'm working on a novella for Bantam, currently titled The Art of Desire. This is my tattoo fetish novella I've been dying to write for over a year-even more since I got my second tattoo last September. It's really going well-the writing is just flowing. I love it when it happens like this-it's almost effortless! Let's hope the next novel, which I'll only have four months to write if I finish the novella on time, goes as smoothly.
My next booksigning will be at the Barnes & Noble on Ventura Blvd. in Encino on Sunday July 8th at 12:15, after my LARA (Los Angeles Romance Authors) meeting. Come by if you can!
posted by Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin at 8:46 AM - 14 comments
Friday, June 01, 2007

My first print novel came out today! I was sort of giddy and manic all day (classic me), smiling a lot, half out of my head. Seeing my book on the bookshelves was so surreal. It was hard to believe that it was really happening. Publishing can be a long process-about 18 months since I contracted this book-so when the day finally arrives and your work is right there, in a store, where people can see it, where they can actually buy's just too weird.
For a writer, I'm oddly lacking in words tonight. But my cheeks hurt from smiling and I'm exhausted from having expended so much emotion-lol! We writers are an emotional bunch.
So-I went to several of my local bookstores with my boyfriend and my Dad and my step-mom. They've all been so supportive of me through this entire process. They happily trailed around with me, grinned like idiots while I was signing stock, took me out for a lovely celebration lunch, and took lots of pictures. Most of them are just me with my book, which I'm sure will bore most of you to tears, but I'm going to be completley self-indulgent and post a bunch of 'em, anyway!
(BTW-my Dad and my boyfriend both have their sunglasses perched on their head, so even though it looks as though they both are sprouting some sort of weird antennae, we just live in L.A. And yes, I know my boyfriend and I are wearing matching clothing. I have no idea how that happened. I swear.)

*happy sigh*
posted by Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin at 9:39 PM - 35 comments

About Me
Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin
Los Angeles, CA, United States

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