EXOTICA is out today! |
 EXOTICA: SEVEN DAYS OF KAMA SUTRA, NINE DAYS OF ARABIAN NIGHTS is out today! A world of fantasy and pleasure awaits… Welcome to Exotica… a lush, sensual retreat where women can experience their most taboo fantasies. Step inside – and leave your inhibitions at the door…. When her old friend, Caroline, invites her to Exotica for a week of pampering and pleasure, Lilli DeForrest has no idea what to expect. But when Rajan steps into her suite, the attraction is intense, immediate, overwhelming. He is her ideal lover -- by turns tender, commanding, erotic. But, as Lilli is about to discover, Rajan’s masterful touch is just the beginning… As manager of the luxurious retreat, Caroline Winter creates thrilling escapist fantasies for other women. Now she’s about to live out a fantasy of her own: Dark, exotic Kian will challenge her to accept the exquisite pleasures he offers. But what Caroline doesn’t expect is the power of Kian’s sensuality…surrendering to him means abandoning herself completely—and giving up all control... For Lilli, it’s the chance to test the limits of her sexuality. For Caroline, it’s trusting Kian with her most hidden desires even as she’s uncovering his own guarded secret. And for both women, it’s a journey into the hidden depths of fantasy -- as they discover just how far they’ll go in search of seduction, surrender, and pleasure beyond imagining… * * * And just for my blog readers, a little excerpt: Pulling the curtain aside, Lilli stepped through, onto the tiled mosaic floor. The sun was softer here, filtered by the silk drapes fluttering at the edges of the terrace. The sun shone through the silk, casting shadows in red and gold everywhere. At first all she could see was his silhouette against the sun, the shifting colors of the silk playing over his skin. He was long and lean, resting on the raised edge of a pool of water, a tiered fountain making music from the center of the pool. He was shirtless, and she could make out the rounded curve of wide shoulders, strong, muscular arms. She swallowed hard. “I am Rajan.” A deep voice, edged with a soft, husky tone, and an accent that was English and exotic all at the same time. She took another step forward, and the glare of the sun moved into shadow, revealing him to her. Long, dark hair curling to just below his shoulders framed a face that was all chiseled planes, softened by the lush curve of his mouth as he smiled at her. Teeth so white and perfect. Dazzling. His eyes were dark, nearly black. Skin the color of dark honey, and so smooth. Touchable. She flexed her fingers. He rose to his feet, every motion graceful, and towered over her five foot four frame. She felt small, delicate in his presence. He moved toward her, one hand outstretched. “You must be Lillian.” “Lilli, please.” Why was her throat so dry? He was only a man. But no, that was a lie. He was the most spectacularly beautiful man she had ever seen. Far too perfect for her. But her skin was alive, tingling, simply looking at him. In a moment he was in front of her, that smile making her light-headed as her blood rushed through her veins. She had to look beyond him for a moment, to the view of the rugged, dusky gray mountains like paper cutouts against the backdrop of stark blue sky. She had to catch her breath. Her breath went right out of her when he touched her hand. Like fire. Like electricity on her skin. Was it only her nerves that were making her react like this? “Come and sit by the water with me. It’s cool out here.” His fingers folded around hers and her skin went hot beneath his touch as she followed him across the terrace. She couldn’t speak, could barely think. She’d never been so stunned by the mere presence of another person in her life. Calm down. He led her to the edge of the marble pool. The water was blue, sparkling. She watched the play of it in the fountain in the center. Someone had placed handfuls of flower petals there, and they danced as the water moved. Then his hand was on her chin, lifting her face so she was forced to look into those glittering black eyes. “Don’t look away, Lilli. I want to see you. And you need to see me, to know me. We’re going to become very close during our time together. You musn’t be afraid.” She blinked up at him. “I’m not. I’m just...you’re a little larger than life.” He smiled at her, the corners of that lush mouth lifting a little. His mouth was too beautiful when he smiled. And she was going to touch it. To kiss him. God. **************************************** Buy EXOTICA today at your local bookstores, or at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.com ! |
Pics from my Playboy Radio Interview! |
Yesterday I had my second interview on Playboy Radio. The show is Night Calls, with porn superstars Christy Canyon and Ginger Lynn. Ginger was out of town yesterday and Tera Patrick stepped in to take her place. I'm sorry I didn't get to see Ginger, but it was wonderful meeting Tera. The woman is gorgeous-these pictures do not do her justice-and so sweet! It was a fun interview-dirty and funny and revealing. I always laugh a lot there. Christy asked really insightful questions-she had obviously read my book, EXOTICA: SEVEN DAYS OF KAMA SUTRA, NINE DAYS OF ARABIAN NIGHTS, and was so enthusiastic about it! When the calls started coming in, the first one was my friend, author Crystal Jordan. I could tell she was a little nervous about being on the air, but she did a great job. We took more calls and I gave some advice to an aspiring writer, and Christy and Tera had me help them give sex advice to some of the callers. Nice to be an 'expert' at something-lol! Doing those live interviews is a strange experience. It's like being in a time capsule. The time flies by and everything happens so fast, and I lose all sense of everything but what's happening in that little studio. You have to really focus to keep up with the pace. It's very intense, but in a good way. After, I'm always flying, just exhilarated. Luckily, they've invited me back, so I'll see them again next year. With over 1 million listeners this is an amazing promotional opportunity, but I also always have a great time-and my boyfriend, who I always take with me, doesn't mind, either. *G*
Christy Canyon, me, Tera Patrick, and below, me with Tera Patrick  |
Playboy Radio Interview Friday! |
I'm going back to Playboy Radio to be interviewed again by porn superstars Christy Canyon and Tera Patrick this Friday at 5PM PST on their talk show, Night Calls! This is the Playboy Channel on Sirius Satellite Radio, channel 198. I should be on air for 20-30 minutes. Should be fun! They're so nice to me there-I'm looking forward to seeing Christy again and meeting Tera (Ginger Lynn was at my last interview-she's a doll, and I'm sorry I won't be seeing her again. ). If you have Sirius Satellite, be sure to tune in! I'll be talking about my upcoming December 26th release, EXOTICA: SEVEN DAYS OF KAMA SUTRA, NINE DAYS OF ARABIAN NIGHTS!
Here's the blurb: Welcome to Exotica… a lush, sensual retreat where women can experience their most taboo fantasies. Step inside—and leave your inhibitions at the door….
When her old friend Caroline invites her to Exotica for a week of pampering and pleasure, Lilli DeForrest has no idea what to expect. But when Rajan steps into her suite, the attraction is intense, immediate, overwhelming. He is her ideal lover—by turns tender, commanding, erotic. But, as Lilli is about to discover, Rajan’s masterful touch is just the beginning…
As manager of the luxurious retreat, Caroline Winter creates thrilling escapist fantasies for other women. Now she’s about to live out a fantasy of her own: dark, exotic Kian will challenge her to accept the exquisite pleasures he offers. But what Caroline doesn’t expect is the power of Kian’s sensuality…surrendering to him means abandoning herself completely—and giving up all control.
For Lilli, it’s the chance to test the limits of her sexuality. For Caroline, it’s trusting Kian with her most hidden desires even as she’s uncovering his own guarded secret. And for both women, it’s a journey into the hidden depths of fantasy—as they discover just how far they’ll go in search of seduction, surrender, and pleasure beyond imagining.… ************ EXOTICA is available for pre-order now! Just click here! |
Romance Divas update! |
Today we set up a Yahoo group so we can all keep in touch and get our Diva fix! There are a big bunch of us chatting away over there. Night Diva Maria and I went through all 2,700 members and sent an email notice to all the members we recognized as being active to invite them to the Yahoo group, but with so many to comb through it's possible we missed someone. And a number of the emails bounced back to us. If you did not get an invite, please don't take it personally-we spent the day scrambling to set this up and then had some technical issues. Please join us on the Diva Yahoo loop by going here. If you have any trouble with it, please search for 'RomanceDivas2007'. (If you just go to the 'Romance Divas' group, it lets you into the old newsletter loop). If you don't have a Yahoo account you can get one for free. You don't have to use it for email if you don't want to-just for the group. When setting it up, though, please set your account to Special Announcements, so we can reach you in case of this sort of emergency, and set your default email to one you will check (it will offer the option of using an alternate email when you set up your profile. Again, if anyone has questions, please email me at romancedivalisa@yahoo.com We're still not sure how long the forum will be down. It's there, but in terrible shape. Don't worry if it won't let you log in-this is all temporary! |
Romance Divas is down |
If you're one of the Divas, you're probably wondering what the heck happened to our forum. Well, so are we. *sigh* Our host did an upgrade and basically messed everything up. Kristen has been working with them, then had a loss in her family yesterday. Our tech assistant, the fabulous Alan Morgan, is now working with them, but he thinks the forum will be down for a while. Meanwhile, the chat room is not working either, but the Diva blog is up, and you're all welcome to go there to chat. We admins will check in and try to answer any questions, but you're also welcome to use it as a way to simply keep in touch. Several people have been chatting there already. Sorry about this, folks! |
In Revision Hell |
I've been here before. But I don't have to like it. Why do I hate revisions so much? It's excruciating. The mere idea of it is enough to make my stomach knot up. I've been sitting on these revisions for days, in a small state of panic, frozen. I know exactly what I have to do, which you'd think would be some sort of relief. Nope. I really must be as neurotic as I think I am. I finally started them today and I'll admit I do feel a bit better. A bit.*sigh* Meanwhile, there are all sorts of lovely things to distract myself with. For instance, I'm going up to Lake Tahoe to see some actual snow this winter (since it's always summer here in LA-yeah, not so much lately) and to visit my friend Lillian Feisty for her birthday just before Christmas. A friend of hers is having an 80's themed birthday party and I've decided, after reading a comment made by our friend Will Belegon on Feisty's blog, that I must go as Adam Ant because, let's face it, who was hotter in the 80's than Adam? I always wanted to be an Ant girl. Instead, I'm going to be him! I'm very excited. So excited that I spent way too much money ordering a frock coat on the Internet this afternoon. Look, isn't it beautiful? I think if I wear the coat with my pirate boots (I already have a pair, of course) the right accessories, do the Prince Charming makeup and deal with my hair, it'll work. One of my favorite ways to not do revisions the last few days is to watch his videos on You Tube and search for pics on the Internet so I can study his costumes. And I still love the music! But really, look how pretty he is: What is it about a boy in lip gloss? Or is that just me? We'll just ignore the fact that this is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Okay-back to work! After you watch Stand and Deliver. It's my favorite. |
Happy Release Day! |
 ...to my dear friend Lacy Danes. Her Harlequin Spice Brief, THE INVITATION, is available now! I'm so excited for her-she sold to Spice Briefs a few months before I did, so we're Briefs sisters-lol! They did a wonderful job on the cover-so descriptive of the story, and I swear the woman on the cover could be Lacy, which is strange and very cool. Here's a blurb: Her lover’s gift–a unique erotic toy–was accompanied by an invitation: Wear this gift and meet me on the trail at dusk. Following his direction, she wore no bra or panties under her hiking outfit. As they entered the woods, the anticipation was more than she could bear. Soon their game would begin–dominant man in control of his spirited woman–and she would glory in the intoxicating thrill of submission. Buy it now! Or take a look at her website if you'd like to find out more about Lacy and her lusciously erotic writing. I'm also excited to be getting to work on the outline and opening chapter of my next Bantam book. No title yet, but this one is about a prostitute. I'm always totally in love with the idea of what makes people tick, and this is a very complicated character, so even though this book will be a challenge to write in many ways, I'm also going to have a great time with it. My characters got me out of bed this morning-they wouldn't stop talking to me! Yes, this probably does make me slightly schizophrenic, but that's the way a writer's mind works. The sex in this book is going to be hot and dirty, which is always fun to write, and my heroine is complex and a bit twisted up inside. I can't wait to really get into it. But I also have to do some revisions on Forbidden Fruit, so I must shut these new characters down long enough to work on the last book. It's like being pulled in two directions. I loved writing Forbidden Fruit-surprisingly, it was more fun than anything else I've worked on for a long time, and I'm so, so excited about the new book, so it's all good. Back to work! |
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